Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How to Browse Blocked Sites Faster on one touch?

Internet connects the world there is no restriction. However there are quite a few restricted websites too. These website services are blocked by geographical region of a country. It may be frustrating for some users because they cannot enjoy the website experience. Let's say an example , Spotify is an popular music streaming website which is available only for United States user's so you can't access the Spotify in your country. But there are so many options to access those restricted or blocked sites by changing your DNS server, VPN or using Proxy servers but these service don't come for free it filled with ads and most of them are dead slow. If you want a faster access to restricted sites continue reading this article.

Easy Access To County or Region Blocked Content

Hola is an free unblocker of censored websites in your country. Using Hola Unblocker you can access 10X faster internet. Hola is available for all platforms, it works on Windows software, Android App, Google Chrome extension, Firefox Plugin and also for Mac users. It unblock all the sites which are blocked in your country some of the major websites like Hulu, Netflix, Pandora, Fox and lot more. Hola Unblocker is free, with configurable VPN service. Hola is included with a few demo scripts for unblocking websites, so that you can test out. Developers can easily code new Hola scripts to unblock some additional sites .

Hola Unblocker Access To Country Restricted Websites

In this tutorial i am using Hola unblocker Chrome extension after installing the extension from their official website.You will be automatically redirected to a new page. You can see some major websites like Facebook, Gmail etc.. which will be represented in black and white which means that websites are not restricted by your region. You can also see sites like Pandora which are represented in Green which means that are restricted, by clicking the icon you are enabling the site, so it's no more country restricted. Now you can go to that website and check it out whether it's working or not.

Get Hola Extension for Your Browser.

Google Chrome  Mozilla Firefox

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How to Browse Blocked Sites Faster on one touch?
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