Wednesday, 25 February 2015

How to Edit Blogger Template Safely?

Our few user's ask us that how they can edit their Blogger Template. Recently, it was ask by George, who want to change some English words to Greek language in his Blogger Theme. So, here is the Tutorial. Read it. I give Tutorial with Images. I hope it will Helps you George and our all users other too. Many users trying to edit template with their own knowledge but in reality they have no knowledge about HTML, CSS, JS, etc. Result, they damaged their blog completely. So, in this article, i add all major steps to prevent site look. Lets get started.

Make a Backup (Important for beginners)

This step is needed for beginners but i recommend it for all users.

Step 1: Go to your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: Click on Template.

Step 3: Then click Backup/Restore button (Top Right).

Step 4: Click Download full template.


Step 1: Go to your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: Click on Template.

Step 3: Then click Edit HTML button.

Step 4: Now to find a word click anywhere in the Template.

Step 5: Press Ctrl + F

Step 6: Write Word in Search and Press Enter

Step 7: Done.

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How to Edit Blogger Template Safely?
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